In order to promote and support business and retail services within Isle of Wight County, Economic Development is building an online Local Business List. Below is a sampling of the types of businesses located in Isle of Wight County.


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G and T Home Improvements, LLC

Contact: Gena Smith-Armstrong
Work Phone: 757-352-7607

G2 Auto Solutions, LLC

Contact: Michael or Talia Hall
Work 13464 Windsor Blvd. Windsor Virginia 23487 Work Phone: 757-770-1239 Website:

Gary’s Metal Workx

Contact: Gary Hewitt
Work 204 Cedar Street Smithfield Virginia 23430 Work Phone: 757-357-5681

Gimme Shelter’s Attic

Contact: Robin Knauth
Work 223 Main Street Smithfield VA 23430 Work Phone: 757-334-0738

Glamma’s Glimmers Faerie Hair

Contact: Deb Cross
Work Phone: 303-748-3078

Godwins Sanitation and Handy Man Services LLC

Contact: Myron Godwin
Work Phone: 757-332-6421

Going Ham Lawns

Contact: James LeBlanc
Work Phone: 757-810-6667

Grafik Trenz

Contact: Anna Chapman
Work 1012 South Church Street Smithfield VA 23430 Work Phone: 757-539-0141

Green View Lawn Care and Landscaping LLC

Work Phone: 757-606-4298

Grow Holistic

Contact: Jessica Jones-Healey
Work 223 Main Street Smithfield Virginia 23430

Growth Home Health Care, LLC

Contact: Ronnie Gay
Work 15064 Carrollton Blvd. Suite 9 Carrollton VA 23314 Work Phone: 757-774-8941 Website:
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Hamtown Mercantile

Contact: Amber Hassell
Work 223 Main Street Smithfield Virginia 23430 Work Phone: 757-542-3041 Website:

Hard Edge Lawn Care & Complete Services

Contact: Rachel Manfred
Work Phone: 757-966-8972

Henman Group Drywall & Acoustics, LLC

Contact: Sammy & Tina Henman
Work P.O. Box 575 Carrollton VA 23314 Work Phone: 757-238-9189

Home Sweet Home Care

Contact: Sharon Albert
Work 346 Main Street Smithfield VA 23430 Work Phone: 757-356-0342 Website:

Hull Physical Therapy, LLC

Contact: Julie Hull
Work 1801 South Church Street Smithfield VA 23430 Work Phone: 757-509-1725 Website: Hull Physical Therapy

Husky Homemade

Contact: Brandi Perkins
Work Phone: 919-228-0418

HydroDog Mousse

Contact: Yvonne Galle-Bishop
Work Phone: 757-812-1036 Website:
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Interior Painting by Vicky LLC

Contact: Vicky Jerabek
Work Phone: 757-943-0699
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Jam Pressure Washing

Contact: Mike Riley
Work P.O. Box 501 Windsor VA 23487 Work Phone: 757-642-8882